Quick Tip
Reducing Exposure to Lead in Drinking Water
Monroe County Water Authority is committed to providing a high quality, 为我们服务的社区提供符合或超过所有州和联邦水质法规的可靠供水. Water provided by MCWA is lead-free when it leaves our treatment plants; however, 当它流过含铅的家用装置时,它会与铅接触, household plumbing, and the service line that connects the public system to your home. 2021年12月,美国环境保护署(USEPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)生效,目的是进一步减少饮用水中铅和铜的暴露.
门罗县水务局非常重视水中铅的问题. 接触铅对所有年龄段的人都是有害的,特别是对婴儿和儿童. That is why MCWA is committed to working towards a lead-free future. To make this possible, 我们需要你的帮助,以确定任何剩余的铅或镀锌服务线在我们的地区.
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Help Us Get the Lead Out
What is a Water Service Line?
供水管道部分归MCWA所有,部分归客户所有. 右图显示了MCWA和房主对服务线路的责任的描述. MCWA负责维修或更换位于配电系统总水管和路缘停止或关闭阀之间的供水服务线路部分,通常位于物业或通行权线路上. 从路边站到水表的剩余部分由客户负责.
通常,供水管道由铜和/或塑料管道材料组成. 然而,在过去,铅和/或镀锌钢也用于服务线路. Service lines composed of lead pipe can be a source of lead in the water. 由镀锌钢组成的服务管道也可能是水中铅的来源,因为铅颗粒可以附着在镀锌钢管的内部. Lead pipes were banned in the United States in 1986, 在此日期之后,管道材料必须符合联邦“无铅”规范.
What is MCWA Doing?
自1992年以来,MCWA一直按照美国环保署最初的铅和铜规则(LCR)法规的要求,对公共供水进行铅检测. 我们可以肯定地说,从我们的处理厂流出的水不含有害水平的铅. Since testing was initiated in 1992, 我们的铅浓度一直大大低于十亿分之十五的监管行动水平. 自1991年美国环保署发布最初的LCR法规以来,MCWA也一直在更换公共供水系统中发现的MCWA拥有的铅服务管线, even though it was not required.
Recently, MCWA扩大了其服务线库存工作,以加强供水材料的库存,并在我们的服务区域内确定任何剩余的铅或镀锌服务线. This includes service line inspections in the field, 此外,我们亦寻求业主的协助,以确定他们的内部服务热线(见 “What Can You Do” section below). 客户可能会看到MCWA及其承包商通过在路边箱附近进行小型挖掘来识别供水管道材料, 哪些通常位于物业或前院的路权线附近. 如果客户需要采取任何行动,我们将在调查之前和之后通知他们.
What Can You Do?
因为供水管道的所有权是由MCWA和业主共同拥有的, customer participation is vital to our efforts to minimize lead exposure.
我们需要您的帮助,以确定您的部分的水服务,因为它进入你的家. Grab a magnet, a coin, 和一个手电筒,并按照下面的视频说明来确定你的服务线的材料. A PDF with instructions is available here.
Once you have identified the type of material, click here to submit your information to MCWA.
Reduce Exposure to Lead in Your Home
- Daily Flush – Any time water is not used for several hours (6 or more), flush your cold water pipes by running the water until it becomes as cold as it will get; this typically takes between 30 seconds and two minutes. This will bring in fresh water from the water main in the street to your tap, 尽量减少任何含铅管道或固定装置与用水接触的时间. 冲洗后,用水烹饪或饮用,或将其填满水罐以备以后使用. 为了节约用水,可以节约冲洗水龙头时用来浇花或洗碗的水.
- Use Cold Water – When using water for drinking or cooking purposes, use only cold water, especially when preparing baby formula.
- Pitcher Filter -可以安装过滤器来去除微粒铅. If you purchase one, 我们建议您购买具有国家卫生基金会“NSF 53”认证的产品,并按照制造商的建议进行维护. Learn more about filters here: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/dwtu/listings_leadreduction.asp.
- Remove lead containing fixtures/plumbing -减少水中铅接触的最可靠方法是移除和更换任何含铅的固定装置或管道. Qualified plumbers can tell you for sure if you have any lead plumbing, check for lead solder in your internal pipes, 寻找含有铅的固定装置,并为您提供有关更换选择和成本的最佳信息.
Can the water from my home’s plumbing be tested for lead?
Two state-certified laboratories that offer lead testing are listed below:
ALS Environmental – Rochester | Life Science Laboratories, Inc. |
(585) 288-5380 | (585) 213-4090 |
1565 Jefferson Rd. | 16 North Main Street |
Bldg 300, Suite 360 | P.O. Box 424 |
Rochester, New York 14623 | Wayland, New York 14572 |
Access the ALS website here | Access the Life Science Lab. website here |
Please check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions here.
If you still have questions, please contact Customer Service at 442-7200, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm.
如果您对铅测试有任何疑问,请与我们的MCWA水质实验室工作人员联系 Lab@waku2-work.com.
Additional Resources
- New York State Department of Health – Lead in Drinking Water
- EPA – Lead in Drinking Water
- EPA Safe Drinking Hotline: 1-800-426-4791
- CDC – Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention